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Sync work and personal calendars

Published - 07/04/22


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Sync work and personal calendars

Ok so you are on the job hunt! 🔍  You are working, you have a busy week ahead, you need to provide your availability to your prospective employer. So you jump into google calendar, check your work events and then jump over to your personal calendar. You even open both side-by-side to get an idea on what times work.
Sending typed times manually will work but isn’t optimal. You want the times you provide to be up-to date at the time the interview is scheduled. So you want something thats automated...
This is where Cashew external calendar connections come into help. Either create a calendar or select an existing calendar.
Select Integrations
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Connect more that one calendar
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Open your personal email and set the options to Check for availability and Add to Calendar (read and write)
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Then on your work calendar set the options to just “Check Availability”
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Now you can sure be sure your booking link shared with your prospective employer will see the most up-to date times in your schedule.
If any last minute meetings come in for your work calendar you can reschedule the interview event by opening the reschedule link in your email inbox.
Happy Scheduling! Get a free Account!
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